• 01223353015
  • pharmacy@miltonroadpharmacy.co.uk
  • 123 Milton Road, Cambridge, CB4 1XE
Buy contraceptive pill (Hana: 75mcg desogestrel)

Buy contraceptive pill (Hana: 75mcg desogestrel)

Can you buy a daily contraceptive pill in Cambridge?

A daily contraceptive pill containing desogestrel is now available for sale in Milton Road Pharmacy. Hana, contains 75mcg of desogestrel and can be purchased from the pharmacy without need to see GP. Women who want to use daily contraceptive pill containing desogestrel can walk in or book an appointment online to make a health assessment with the pharmacist before the sale is allowed.

Who can buy a daily contraceptive pill (Hana) over the counter?

Women of childbearing age may purchase Hana, a desogestrel containing contraceptive pill. There is no age restrictions for the sale of Hana, however, clients who are under 16 years of age are encouraged to bring their parent with them.

Supply of Hana to clients under 16 years of age is possible without a parent being present, as long as the pharmacist is satisfied that client is competent and understand the treatment (additional questions asked).

Restrictions on the sale of daily contracetpive pill?

Women with certain conditions may not purchase Hana over the counter, for example:

  • women with  vaginal bleeding of unknown cause
  • women with or history of breast cancer
  • women with liver disease
  • women with active venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism
  • type 1 or type 2 diabetic patients

How much does Hana (desogestrel) cost?

Hana (desogestrel) is available as:

  • box of 28 tablets (1 month supply): £9.48
  • box of 84 tablets (3 months supply): £19.99

Client under 18 years of age may purchase a maximum of 3 months supply. Women over 18 can purchase a maximum of 12 months supply.

Other forms of contraception

Read NHS contraception guide for more details on alternative forms of contraception available in the UK.