• 01223353015
  • pharmacy@miltonroadpharmacy.co.uk
  • 123 Milton Road, Cambridge, CB4 1XE
Red House Surgery repeat prescription ordering

Red House Surgery repeat prescription ordering

Red House Surgery is one of few GP surgeries in Cambridge. Milton Road Pharmacy dispenses prescriptions to patients from all GP surgeries in Cambridge, including Red House Surgery. Nowadays alsmos all prescriptions are sent to pharmacies with use of NHS electrochromic prescription service (EPS), allowing immediate transfer of prescriptions between GP surgeries and a chosen (nominated) pharmacy. Milton Road Pharmacy is located on Milton Road, 10 mins walk or 2-minute drive from Red House Surgery. This post summarised options for ordering of Red House Surgery repeat prescription(s).

Red House Surgery Repeat Prescription – options for ordering

This post summarises options for patients who wish to order their repeat prescriptions from Red House Surgery in Cambridge. Milton Road Pharmacy dispenses prescriptions from all surgeries in Cambridge. We can order patients repeat prescriptions on patients behalf, please read on.

Read House Surgery offers the following method of ordering a repeat prescription:

  • in writing, by dropping of a request or repeat prescription slip at the surgery’s letterbox (front door)
  • by email: send the request to capccg.prescriptions.redhouse@nhs.net
  • online with the use of Patient Access website.
  • with the NHS App on your phone or online.
  • asking a pharmacy to send the request to Red House Surgery

Order repeat prescription with Milton Road Pharmacy

Patients who wish to use our services to get their medicines have few options for prescription ordering.

  • new patients who have not used Milton Road Pharmacy before should complete an electronic nomination form to allow us to become the preferred dispensing pharmacy. We can nominate patients over the phone also. Ideally, we ask patients for their NHS number, however, we can nominate patients with basic demographic information such as name, address and date of birth.
  • repeat prescription requests can be sent to us by email at pharmacy.fnd78@nhs.net
  • requests for repeat medication can be made to us with our prescription ordering form. Patients can type in or upload a photo of their request.
  • by calling us on 01223353015

My prescription was sent to another pharmacy can I have it transferred to Milton Road Pharmacy?

It is possible to transfer prescriptions from one to another pharmacy providing that no supply of medicines was made again this prescription and it can be released. Partly dispensed prescriptions, for example, prescriptions with two items, of which the supply of one was made, cannot be transferred between pharmacies.

Patients who wish to transfer their prescription to Milton Road Pharmacy should ask the current (holding) pharmacy to release the ‘prescription to the spine‘. Once this is done we can locate the prescription with the use of patient’s NHS number. Alternatively, patients can a pharmacy to provide a prescription bar code which is located on the prescription (token).

Why should you use Milton Road Pharmacy?

We are a long-established, independent pharmacy in Cambridge. We aim to provide fast, reliable and friendly service to all patients. We offer free delivery of medicines in Cb4 and some CB3 areas of Cambridge. We are best-rated community pharmacy in Cambridge (Google reviews).


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