How to order Arbury Road Surgery Prescriptions?
Milton Road Pharmacy dispenses NHS prescriptions from all GP surgeries in Cambridge including Arbury Road Surgery prescriptions. Arbury Road Surgery is located 10 minutes walking distance from Milton Road Pharmacy (2 mins drive). Patients who use Arbury Road Surgery can conveniently walk to Milton Road Pharmacy to collect their medicines. The majority of all prescriptions issued by Arbury Road Surgery and other GP surgeries in Cambridge are sent to pharmacies electronically (Electronic Prescription Service/EPS). Patients can come directly to their nominated pharmacy to collect their medicines without collecting a paper prescription from the surgery.
How can your order Arbury Road Surgery prescriptions?
Milton Road Pharmacy can request patients repeatable medicines from Arbury Road Surgery. Please read on.
Arbury Road Surgery provides a short summary of repeat prescription ordering on their website. Repeat prescriptions can be ordered directly from Arbury Road Surgery. Two options are given to patients.
1. Arbury Road Surgery Prescriptions Ordering: Ordering online
Repeat prescriptions can be ordered with SystmOnline. SystmOnline is a website (and app) which is used by many GP surgeries across England. SystmOnline not only allows patients to order their repeat medicines, but also to see their electronic medical records and book appointment online.
SystmOnline is also available as a smartphone app called Airmid UK, which provides the same functionality as the website and ‘much more’. Arimid UK app is available for iPhone and Android phones.
New patients or patients previously unregistered with SystmOnline need to get an account ID and linkage passphrase to allow them to sign up with SystmOnline. Patients need to contact reception at Arbury Road Surgery to get these.
2. Arbury Road Surgery Prescriptions Ordering: repeat slips
Patients can drop prescription repeat slip off in the surgery. A repeat prescription box is located outside the surgery.
Electronic prescription and paper prescriptions have repeat part (slip) attached at their back. This part lists patients repeatable medicines, their last issue date and due dates for the re-ordering. When requesting repeatable medicines with a repeat slip, patients need to tick boxes on the slip to indicate which medicine is needed.
Pharmacies can re-print repeat part of the prescription. The handwritten request should be accepted providing all necessary information is provided, for example, the patient’s full name, date of birth, address and details of requested medicines.
When requesting repeatable medicines patients can indicate which pharmacy they want their electronic prescription to be sent to. If pharmacy is not selected, an electronic prescription will be sent to patient’s usual, nominated pharmacy.
If a nomination for preferred pharmacy is not present, a prescription will be sent to NHS ‘spine’, allowing any pharmacy to download it. In this case, a pharmacy team will be able to find prescription by entering patient’s personal information like name, address and date of birth.
3. Arbury Road Surgery Prescriptions Ordering: order your medicines with us!
Milton Road Pharmacy can order patient’s repeatable medicines from Arbury Road Surgery.
Patients can:
- contact us on 01223353015,
- upload their repeat slip with use of our repeat prescription ordering form online or
- bring their repeat request in person to the pharmacy.
New patients should complete our online nomination form to allow us to dispense their medicines.
We pass your request to your surgery almost instantaneously (during opening hours) with the use of a secure NHS email.
How long does it take to get a repeatable prescription?
It usually takes around 2 days for the surgery to produce a prescription, however, it may take longer during busy periods. Patients are usually advised to order their repeatable medicines 7 days before they run out of their drugs.
How long does it take for Milton Road Pharmacy to dispense your prescription?
The team at Milton Road Pharmacy pride ourselves with fast prescription processing, with the majority of prescriptions completed the same day. It may take longer for multiple item prescriptions to be ready, depending on the stock availability.
Our in-pharmacy waiting time for prescriptions is usually around 5 minutes (single item prescriptions), therefore patients can easily walk in and wait for their prescription straight after the appointment with their GP or another prescriber.
We offer a free prescription notification service (email). Patients can be notified when a prescription is received by us and being process and when a prescription is ready for collection. Additionally, we offer a free prescription delivery service in Cambridge (mainly CB4 and CB3 area).
How to get your prescription sent to Milton Road Pharmacy?
When a request for a repeat prescription is made with a paper slip, please tick or write Milton Road Pharmacy as your preferred dispensing pharmacy. You can also make the same request over the phone when speaking to the prescription team at Arbury Road Surgery.
Lastly, new patients can use our online registration form to have their medicines dispensed by Milton Road Pharmacy. When registering, patients can optionally order their repeatable medicines at the same time.
Not convinced?
There are plenty of other reasons why to choose Milton Road Pharmacy as your preferred dispensing chemist.